Terry Eldh - Acoustic Sound Healer, Classical Musician, Reiki Master

My Path
I always knew that music was powerful. As a classically trained singer, I started my career in opera, and then moved to Broadway in The Phantom of the Opera. But I always sensed there was something more I should be doing with my gifts. And I found it through sound healing. It allows me to merge my musical talents with deep healing abilities to create powerful, multi-dimensional sound activations. Drawing upon spiritual guidance, and that of the ancient wisdom of Egyptian temples, I channel sound journeys that guide others into profound states of healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening through playing crystal singing bowls and my accompanying acoustic vocals - singing without words - with the sounds of the bowls.

As a leader in developing contemporary music scored for Crystal Tones® singing bowls, I commission and perform new symphonic, chamber, and choral works. One of my highlight performances was playing singing bowls as symphonic instruments with the American Chamber Orchestra.

The profound experiences I have gained on this journey have also inspired me to teach sound healers, both at The Sound Healers Academy based in Los Angeles, and through my own classes under my Find Your Inner Mozart® brand.

My Sound Healing Awakening

After studying energy healing for several years and becoming a Reiki Master, I heard about sound meditation and signed up for a training course. During the final sound meditation of the course, a strong feeling guided me to join the master sound healer’s spiritual retreat to Egypt - a journey which irrevocably changed my life. Along the Nile in the Horus Temple, I experienced a profoundly transformative emotional release. Upon arriving home, I decided to learn everything I could about sound meditation, and to combine it with acoustic singing.  Eventually this led me to create SoulOSoaring LLC, my sound healing business based in Southport, CT, that provides sound meditations for corporations, private events, and individuals; offers sound healing training; and is the largest distributor of Crystal Tones singing bowls in the Northeast.

More About My Musical Background

As a classically trained soprano, I have sung leading roles in operas by Mozart, Puccini, and Verdi among others, in the US and abroad. On Broadway, I performed the role of Carlotta, the reigning diva in The Phantom of the Opera. In total, I have performed more than 3,000 performances of Phantom in various roles over eight years. I’m honored to be featured in theater director Richard Foreman’s book Love and Science (having performed the lead role in his opera of the same name), as well as one of several ‘homegrown Broadway performers’ noted in Westport, CT written by Woody Klein. In addition to my sound healing, I regularly perform at the Westport Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts, and am the soprano soloist and section leader at St. Thomas More Church in Darien, CT.

Why I Play My Singing Bowls Daily

The benefits of meditation are well documented. The mind slows, the breath slows, the body relaxes.  Brain waves shift into slower states, namely Theta, and Delta, which offer access to deeper states of being.  It is here that healing can occur.  And sound may be the simplest way to get there. Simply being immersed in alchemy crystal singing bowl sound frequencies can lead to deep relaxation and a meditative state. Clients have reported experiencing heightened states of mental clarity, relief from emotional and physical pain, improved sleep, and since the bowls are inter-dimensional sonic healing tools, even visitations from relatives on the other side. The bowls may appear to be simply beautiful musical instruments, or stunning pieces of decorative art, but they are not to be underestimated. They are instruments of consciousness.

I play my own alchemy bowls daily and almost always accompany them with acoustic vocals, in the privacy of my own home, for myself. Why?  Because they clear my mind and my heart. The frequencies of the bowls affect us on an energetic level and can help clear challenging emotions. Emotions can be thought of as “energy in motion.” They are meant to be felt and then to pass through our energetic system.  But because some emotions are less comfortable than others, we may not want to feel them, and they can remain as frozen energy in our bodies. The frequencies of the bowls offer a key to accessing these energies, which can then begin to melt and clear space for higher energies. In the end, my mind is clearer, my body deeply relaxed, and my heart is lighter.

I have two main goals when playing bowls for myself. First, to receive guidance, and second, to release pent up or congested emotions. 

When looking for guidance, I sit quietly, take a few deep, healing breaths, and begin to play a few intuitively chosen bowls for about 5-10 minutes.  Then I stop, and sit in the sound-infused silence, asking for guidance.  After about 5-10 minutes, I write whatever guidance  comes to me, in a journal.

To release pent up or congested emotions, I choose to play bowls with deep, resonant frequencies. I then intone sounds that connect with the bowls and any amplified or challenging feelings I may be experiencing. Because sound moves energy, the frequencies of my voice and the sounds of the bowls move any congested energies in my body. The energies become unblocked, and release, often through a release of tears. This allows me the freedom to be fully present, and in the moment.

How Sound Healing Changed My Life

When I was 15, standing in our kitchen in Westport, CT, I said to my mother, “I am here to do something for God. I just don’t know what it is yet.”  That ‘something’ is now becoming clearer. I am just one among many souls, who have come at this time to assist with shifting the frequency of the world from fear to love. It is for this reason that I work with the frequency of sound. My tools are alchemy crystal singing bowls, and my own classically trained voice. My intuition is my guide.

15 years ago, in the profound energy vortex of the Horus Temple, my energy shifted dramatically, and as a result of this release I was briefly granted the gift of third-eye sight, where I could see the happenings in a room despite the fact that my eyes were closed. Upon arriving home, I purchased a white (classic) quartz crystal singing bowl, and decided to learn all I could about sound and sound healing.

At the start of the pandemic, I was hired by GE Capital to do a live-stream sound meditation (“sound bath”) for their employees. I promptly signed up for a course on how to live-stream crystal singing bowl sound meditations. The teacher of the live-stream course used singing bowls that were different from mine. They were beautiful colors instead of frosted white, and they were slimmer and more refined. I learned that the crystal of her bowls was infused with gemstones, precious metals, and rare minerals. Each of these elements, or alchemies, added its own energetic signature to the quartz crystal frequencies that were emitted when the bowls were played. When I heard these alchemy crystal bowls, I was moved to tears.  For the next three days I was haunted by the memory of the sounds of these bowls; I couldn’t move forward without them.

And so began my journey with alchemy crystal singing bowls and sound healing. I now have my own collection of these beautiful gems, and I believe in their power to heal so deeply that I have become a distributor for Crystal Tones®, the company that makes the bowls, so that I can more proactively participate in assisting others to create their own sound healing communities. I am so grateful for this privilege.

My Mission
I am committed to empowering others to shift their frequency from fear to love, through sound and energy healing. Connect with me to learn more about my meditations, trainings, courses, and bowls.